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Four Layer Architecture

Filed under: Development,Patterns,Software Engineering — Jannis at 4:32 pm on Tuesday, January 15, 2008

In context of exploring the Model View Controller (MVP) pattern I came across following collection of links.

It also contained a link on Four Layer Architecture:


When designing an object system for a client-server environment, what is the most appropriate way to structure the overall application architecture? How do you structure your system when you have both significant presentation and domain components?

The View layer. This is the layer where the physical window and widget objects live. It may also contain Controller classes as in classical MVC. Any new user interface widgets developed for this application are put in this layer. In most cases today this layer is completely generated by a window-builder tool.

The ApplicationModel layer. This layer mediates between the various user interface components on a GUI screen and translates the messages that they understand into messages understood by the objects in the domain model. It is responsible for the flow of the application and controls navigation from window to window. This layer is often partially generated by a window-builder and partially coded by the developer.

The DomainModel layer. This is the layer where most objects found in an OO analysis and design will reside. Examples of the types of objects found in this layer may be Orders, Employees, Sensors, or whatever is appropriate to the problem domain.

The Infrastructure layer. This is where the objects that represent connections to entities outside the application (specifically those outside the object world) reside. Examples of objects in this layer would include SQLTables, 3270Terminals, SerialPorts, SQLBrokers and the like.

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